Edmonton Pride

Seniors Group


About us

Helping to create safe spaces for quality of life in the Edmonton region for older 2SLGBTQIA+ residents since 2013.

Edmonton Pride Seniors Group Society (EPSG) is registered under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and operates as the Edmonton Pride Seniors Group.

EPSGS strives to ensure that all queer seniors’ services, activity centres, and housing – assisted and independent senior housing complexes long term care facilities, lodges and palliative care centres – are a welcoming, safe, and caring environment for 2SLGBTQIA+ older adults aged 55+ in Edmonton and area.

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At Edmonton Pride Seniors Group, our mission is to create safe, inclusive spaces that enhance the quality of life for older 2SLGBTQIA+ residents. Through advocacy, education, and collaboration with like-minded organizations, we strive to foster a community where everyone can thrive and feel valued.


Our vision is ambitious: To create safe, inclusive, and supportive spaces that will improve the quality of life and support the older 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies in the City of Edmonton and region. We do this through research and evidence (environmental scans, surveys, focus groups and community discussions, interviews, professional expertise) as well as building on our collective experience.

We envision an urban environment free from the social stigma, fanatical prejudice, toxic fear, and extreme bullying that severely harmed many queer people growing up in mid-20th century Canada. We envision an urban environment in which older 2SLGBTQIA+ residents and allies can lead authentic lives without anxiety and without the fear of “going back into the closet”.

Through advocacy and education of staff and residents, we assist existing services and facilities to develop appropriate non-discriminatory policies and practices. We are committed to push forward initiatives that improve the quality of life of older 2SLGBTQIA+ residents!

We are grateful for the support of Sage Edmonton, which acts as the financial agent for our informal community group. Sage Edmonton provides meeting space, sponsors grant applications, manages finances and banking, and pays invoices for EPSG. These project grants are invaluable for engaging outside expertise and resources.

We were founded in 2014, and have a membership of mostly Queer and older volunteers. We are always happy to cooperate with other like-minded groups and individuals, from the government, to not-for-profits, to businesses.

We organized as an ad-hoc committee of volunteers initiated by former City of Edmonton Councillors Michael Phair and the late Sherry McKibben. Our members are from the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies, and include older as well as younger individuals from a variety of professional backgrounds, including social work, education, medicine, health care management, and local government.

On January 10, 2022 we were incorporated and registered as the Edmonton Pride Seniors Group Society under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. We now are moving forward to complete our registration for charitable status under the Canada Revenue Agency.

If you would like to know more or to join ESPG please contact us!

Who We Are

What We do

Our Education Initiatives

At Edmonton Pride Seniors Group, we believe in the power of education to foster understanding and inclusivity. Our education module has been instrumental in reaching out to various groups, ensuring that the needs of older 2SLGBTQIA+ residents are recognized and addressed. Here’s a glimpse of our impactful presentations and collaborations from 2015 to 2017.

You can request a presentation from the board anytime, please contact us today!

Education Module Presentations

  1. Operation Friendship Society senior managers – Eric and Kristy

  2. Walk With Me Conference – Eric, Michael and Thais

  3. UofA undergrad sociology students – Eric and Thais

  4. Ashbourne Residence – Eric and Kristy; Larry and Kristy

  5. Grey Matters Conference – Eric and Michael

  6. UofA OT graduate students – Eric and Sydney

  7. Sage staff – Eric

  8. UofA Human Ecology grad students – Eric and Sydney

  9. Seniors Professional Community event – Eric and Sydney

  10. NW Edmonton Seniors Centre – Eric and Sydney

  11. GEF Board – Eric and Michael

  12. GEF senior staff – Eric and Michael

  13. Camrose FCSS – Michael and Robert

  14. Red Deer Golden Seniors Circle – Michael

  15. City Council – Michael

  16. SEESA – Michael, Thaya and Larry

  17. Stony Plain – Michael and Sydney

  18. Salina Grad Students – Eric and Sydney

  19. Nurses Health Conference – Michael, Tami and Robert

  20. ELLA Course – Michael

  21. Global TV, June 2016 – Larry

  22. Pride Centre (MSM & HIV), May 2016 – Larry


The ESPG actively advocates on behalf of its members, including with all levels of government, primary stakeholders, and industry decision-makers.

ESPG’s advocacy initiatives

  1. EGALE National Seniors Advisory Council – 2015-2017

  2. Alberta Ministry of Seniors and Housing: Assistant Deputy Minister Senior Services Division, Executive Director Seniors Strategic Planning – August 2016; Minister and Executive Director Seniors Strategic Planning – September 2016

  3. Alberta Office of the Seniors Advocate: Seniors Advocate – October 2016; September 2017

  4. Advisory Panel, Alberta Office of the Seniors Advocate – 2018

  5. Edmonton City Council – April 2017

  6. City of Edmonton – Ongoing

  7. Alberta Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Minister, with Government Caucus Whip and MLA for Calgary-Hawkwood – April 2017

  8. Age Friendly Edmonton Workshop – May 2017

  9. Alberta Ministry of Health and Office of the Deputy Premier: Minister and Deputy Premier – July 2017

  10. Alberta Health Services: Continuing Care Collaborative Committee – September 2017

  11. Continuing Care LGBTQ Task Force Group – 2017

  12. Alberta Ministry of Health: Ministerial Assistant – January 2018

  13. Greater Edmonton Foundation: Board of Directors

  14. Alberta Seniors Consultation

Our Partners

At EPSG, we believe in the power of collaboration to foster safer, more inclusive spaces for Edmonton’s older 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Our partners—ranging from government bodies to like-minded non-profits—share our mission of advocacy and education, all working together to enhance the quality of life for our vibrant seniors.

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